Cycling in the heart of Calabria

Cycling in the heart of Calabria

The Reventino-Savuto bike route offers an immersive route into the heart of Calabria, inspiring a true voyage to discover lands unexplored by traditional tourism routes. It is not a journey for ordinary cycle tourists but an experience for bike-voyagers in search of authenticity.

Why a bike route?

Why a bike route?

Because only the bicycle provides the opportunity of silent travel, diving into the environment, interacting with the essence of the elements. The road in this case is the journey and the bicycle is the vehicle that does not impose any barrier with the outside world and therefore facilitates encounters, knowledge, shared experiences with people, the most important value of this territory. Just think of Luigi Vittorio Bertarelli, who founded the Touring Club Ciclistico Italiano (later Touring Club Italiano) in 1894 and travelled through Calabria by bicycle in 1897. He was probably the first pedal-powered reporter who chronicled this land through the people: housewives, shepherds, poets, innkeepers, priests and scoundrels. And as Augusto Guido Bianchi, then editor-in-chief of the Corriere della Sera, who kept track of Bertarelli’s adventures, recalled: “If you talk to people from northern Italy about Calabria, they will fearfully shake theirhead and talk to you about brigands,…