Civico 17
A restaurant and pizzeria inspired by Calabrian culinary traditions. Welcoming and friendly. Advance booking recommended.
La Valle dei Formaggi Dairy
The Chiodo family turns farming and the rearing of geese, chickens, pigs, cows, horses and above all Alpine chamois goats, into art. They produce an extraordinary milk with which Franco “invents” goat cheeses of the highest quality.

Brigandry Museum
Hiding places, books, memories and testimonies of the brigandage that once typified these locations are fundamental features of the Museo del Brigante (Brigandry Museum), where you encounter the figure of Giosafatte Talarico, the “Robin Hood” of Panettieri who evaded capture by the police from 1820 to 1845.
Bread Museum
Bread, as the name of the village suggests, is a symbol for shared values involving substance and spirit. In the past, the village had many bakeries, while today it has an outstanding location, a fully-functioning reconstruction, the Museo del Pane (Bread Museum), which accurately evokes the bakery’s interiors.
Church of San Carlo Borromeo
This is the mother church of Panettieri with a simple façade featuring three portals. The triple-nave interior conserves an 18th-century statue of San Carlo Borromeo by the Neapolitan school, two statues of the Madonna del Rosario and Madonna Addolorata, and early 20th-century paintings by Giorgio Pinna da Nicastro.